Carprincess’s blog is full of life lessons, reviews, and more. The blog is a place where Carprincess could share her stories and have her readers learn from them so they don’t have to commit the same errors.

Pets Carla Valentin Pets Carla Valentin

How to Raise a Dragon: 5 Things my Baby Bearded Dragon Taught Me

We brought this month old bearded dragon into our home on Black Friday. Bringing in an ‘orphan dragon’ (lizard) into our home was not an impulsive decision. In fact, my boyfriend and I had been discussing the possibility of owning a lizard since August.

Solarius, or Sol for short, has been both a delight and an adventure to raise.

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Pets, Family Carla Valentin Pets, Family Carla Valentin

Princess Natsu: The "Tail" of My 19 Year Old Cat

Have you ever done the morally “right” thing yet felt so heartbroken from your choice?

On October, 30th, I made the difficult decision to put my nineteen year old cat down due to a cocktail of health issues that she had little to no chance from recovering from.

While I am glad I let her rest in peace, my heart and soul still feels the pain and loss that comes from no longer having my feline companion in my life.

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