Carprincess’s blog is full of life lessons, reviews, and more. The blog is a place where Carprincess could share her stories and have her readers learn from them so they don’t have to commit the same errors.
Lessons from Life: Thanksgiving
While Thanksgiving is a day of gratitude, for me, Thanksgiving also has been synonymous with reunions and spending time with family. As the years pass, I’ve started to realize that this may not be the case for everyone. What a shocker right? (That was sarcasm by the way, it doesn’t translate well via text).
Thanksgiving can mean family, food, tradition, or simply be another Thursday… And it’s all valid.
Lessons from Papi: Self-Love through Celebration
Have you heard of “treat yourself” or #SelfcareSaturday?
This newfound phenomenon is considered a millennial activity, one of over indulging oneself because you are ‘worth it’ and life is too short to be suffering all the time.
However, my father, who is in his mid-eighties always was an advocate of treating himself right and celebrating all the little things.
Princess Natsu: The "Tail" of My 19 Year Old Cat
Have you ever done the morally “right” thing yet felt so heartbroken from your choice?
On October, 30th, I made the difficult decision to put my nineteen year old cat down due to a cocktail of health issues that she had little to no chance from recovering from.
While I am glad I let her rest in peace, my heart and soul still feels the pain and loss that comes from no longer having my feline companion in my life.
Carprincess, Mother of Fishes : 5 Lessons Learned about Fish Keeping
My boyfriend and I decided to get into the fish keeping hobby. By recently, I mean since the beginning of August. We started out with two small beta tanks purchased at PetCo, moved to a 3-gallon cylindrical tank, and now have settled with a comfortable 10-gallon tank.
Miami Heat : Warming the Soul, not just the Body
I flew down to Miami this week to spend time with my family when a loved one passed away. There I discovered something about myself. I love people from afar. There's so many people that I root for as I see their struggles and their accomplishments. I love them dearly and I'm sure a majority of them are not even aware of it.