January 2020

WebToon Favorites 2020: Top 10 Romance WebToon Comics

WebToon Favorites 2020: Top 10 Romance WebToon Comics

I love reading about love. I’m a sucker for a romantic comedy and the cheesier the better. I adore reading about love triangles, characters who are obvious about their crushes on one another, and anything that would make my heart go ‘doki-doki’. So here are a list of 10 Webtoons that you can start reading today in the Romance genre.

Atomic Habits: Reading Report and Review • Book Review

Atomic Habits: Reading Report and Review • Book Review

Have you ever had New Years Resolutions that never came to fruition?

I know I’ve been guilty of listing resolutions in the beginning of the year, when the energy of the new year is at an all-time high, and then only achieving 10-20% of those resolutions by the end of the new year. 

Atomic Habits has reminded me that it’s not about the goals you set, it’s about the daily habits that get you to your goals.