Carprincess’s blog is full of life lessons, reviews, and more. The blog is a place where Carprincess could share her stories and have her readers learn from them so they don’t have to commit the same errors.
Things I Carry: Bamboo Charcoal Detoxifying Toner
What do you do, when you want to look young forever?
While I am currently blessed with youth, I know that beauty isn’t eternal.
This is why I have begun to work diligently on figuring out my ideal skincare routine. This includes a cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and the occasional mask.
Let’s talk about the Bamboo Charcoal Detoxifying Toner
The Things I Carry: Palmer's Skin Therapy Oil
I used to feel pretty self conscious about having my scar from my full right hip replacement.. This was the reason why I purchased Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E Skin Therapy Oil. It is a product that is meant to reduce the appearance of scars, stretch marks, dry skin, uneven skin tone, and aging skin. I’ll be discussing why I still keep the oil despite my change of heart with my scar.
The Things I Carry: Burt's Bees Tinted Lip Balm
As apart of The Things I Carry series, I discuss what I love and don’t like about Burt’s Bees Tinted Lip Balm.