Things I Carry: Apple AirPods

When you go wireless, you don’t go back.

Why do I own a pair of Apple AirPods?

There are many options out in the market for headphones and earbuds to enjoy music, phone calls, and YouTube. So why do I carry air pods with me everywhere I go? They are expensive and can easily be lost, yet I love them.

I used to make fun of Apple AirPod users until I became one.

In today’s The Things I Carry post, we’ll discuss how I met and fell in love with my Apple AirPods.

My relationship with these AirPods was that I initially hated them. I thought that the moment I got a pair I’d lose them. Instead I’d just chuckle and use my wired earbuds while I was commuting and at work. It was then after one of my coworkers began to use it at the office that I decided to give them a try, after all, if they were working for them then surely they couldn’t be that bad.

What I love about Apple AirPods

  • Compatibility with Apple- They work seemlessly with the Apple product line. If I want to connect my airpods with my iPhone, it’s a quick and easy process. If I want to instead listen to a YouTube video from my MacBook Pro, I can go into my System Preferences and change up the audio without much hassle.

  • Portable- The Airpods are lightweight and small. They could fit in almost any of my pockets (and as a woman, that could be a challenge!) and they don’t add any extra weight to my bag.

    Wireless: There’s no detangling of wires needed whenever I want to use them. I just pop them out of the case and go.

  • The Color- While in a perfect world, I’d love a pair of Rosegold AirPods, I love the white option and think it looks mega classy. It matches with almost any outfit I wear.

What doesn’t work about Apple AirPods

  • Wireless- There are several occasions that my wired headphones saved my phone from colliding with the floor. Now that I use my wireless AirPods, I need to actually worry about dropping my phone.

  • Battery- I charge my case everyday. However, I wish there was an easy way to see how much battery was left in my AirPods easily. Instead I just hope I’m lucky it shows up on my iPhone screen

Other Thoughts about Apple AirPods

Apple AirPods can be purchased online, at your local Apple retailer, or even on Amazon. My pair was purchased in-store and its my recommendation to get it directly from Apple thanks to their one-year guarantee. 

Something else that should be noted about the AirPods is that they pause whatever video you listen to when you take them out of your ears. This is a perk that I never realized I even needed in my life since I was so used to 'pausing my videos before pulling out my earbuds, but this extra step now isn’t even needed. I just can pull them off, tend to whatever needs my attention, and then put them right back on again without missing a beat (literally).

There are also accessories for your Apple AirPods that I recommend for those who fear losing them.

  • TrackR is something I use for my Apple AirPods, it’s small and sticks directly to the case of my AirPods. This small tracker device connects with your phone and you could use your phone to track it and find it. Vice versa, if you lose your phone, you can use the TrackR to find your phone.

  • AirPods Cases can be found on Amazon to add some color to your AirPods. They also turn your wireless AirPods to wired ones that you would find difficult to lose. The bonus perk of both of these accessories is that these make your AirPods stand out and if there are multiple people in your household that have it, then it’s easy to identify which case is yours.

  • Podwand is an innovative cleaner for your Apple AirPods. These things are pricy so if you want to maintain them and keep them clean, then you should check these out.

Would I recommend Apple AirPods?

If you are an Apple User and you are in the Apple ecosystem, then I’d definitely recommend them. It’d probably take a bit for you to get used to them, but they come in handy. They sync quickly between your MacBook and iPhone.

However if you aren’t in the ecosystem, then there are a ton of products out in the market that are in a similar price range that I’m sure will give you a similar experience. I honestly haven’t tried another paid of wireless earbuds, but I know that sometimes Apple products have a tendency not to play well with products outside of their ecosystem.

What headphones or earbuds do you use?

As I mentioned, my Apple AirPods are my first pair of wireless earbuds that I’ve ever owned. However I’m sure that there are many many many out there that exist.

So if you have any recommendations, I’d love to hear them.


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